Parent/Student Resources

Welcome to William C. Munn Elementary School. Munn was built in 1964 and is one of four elementary schools in the Spencerport Central School District. Our Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 5 enrollment is approximately 385 students. Our professional staff is committed to providing a caring, nurturing, supportive and challenging academic environment for all of our students. We are focused on the Spencerport mission, the strategic plan and our building-wide goal below. The educational experience the children at Munn receive will prepare them to be academically successful, engaged citizens and positive contributors to our global community.Students working

Our building-wide goal: Munn Elementary School will engage families and staff to create a learning environment that will educate all students holistically.

24-25 NYS Immunization Requirements (1).pdf
Physical Immunization Letter August 2024.pdf
7240F.7 HIPAA form Update 03-05-2021 (D.O.B.).pdf
OTC Medicine Permission Form (AR 01-2023) (1).pdf

Please contact me if I can be of assistance to you or your child.

Mike Canny
Principal, William C. Munn Elementary School
(585) 349-5501