Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

School Operational Hours

Main Office:

8:00am - 4:00pm 


Health Office:

8:00am - 4:00pm 


Attendance Line: 



Universal Pre-Kindergarten Operational Hours
8:55am - Parents Drop Off Students
9:00am - Academics Begin
2:30pm - Dismissal

Kindergarten - Grade 5 Operational Hours
8:45am - Students arrive
9:00am - Academics begin
3:25pm - Academics end
3:40pm - Buses depart

Student Drop Off at Arrival 8:45-9:00AM: Families who elect to drop their children off at school must pull into the south parking lot where Entrance #1 is located.  Please pull parallel to Entrance #1 and your child may exit the vehicle from the school side of your vehicle.

Late Arrival: Students arriving after 9:10 am are considered tardy.  A parent or guardian must park in the south parking lot, escort the student to Entrance #1 and ring the door button. You must come into the Main Office with your child to sign them in.

Student Pick Up at Dismissal 3:25PM: Families who elect to pick up their children up from school at dismissal must park in the south parking lot and enter at Entrance #1. If you intend to pick up your child from school at dismissal you should send in a note or call us at 349-5509. If you did not send in a note about picking up your child, you will need to provide that note along with your driver’s license or a government issued picture ID.  Your child will be called to the front hall via radio once your identity has been verified.

Early Dismissal: If you need to pick up your child before 3:25PM dismissal, you should send in a note or call us at 349-5509.  Upon your arrival at Entrance #1 you will be required to provide your driver’s license or a government issued picture ID to the Greeter. You may then go to the Main Office to sign your child out.

Google Image of Munn Parking lot